burning heart
I got home this afternoon, threw on my sweats and went for a jog. I ran through our neighborhood, the gray sky still just light enough. I headed down the sidewalks, dodging snowdrifts and ice patches, and turned up to run around the State House. I ran down the aincent brick sidewalk and around he corner, stepping up into the snow covered lawn. I circled back up and ran uphill. Pausing at the top to catch my breath I leaned on the wall and stared out at the snow covered lawn expanding off into the distance towards the East Side. It was stunning, it was so peaceful. It was so real. The skyscrapers were lit up downtown but so were the office windows, full of employees still working.
I thought to myself "God, this is beautiful." I spoke to God "So is this what it is about, this right here? This is supposed to distract me from my day, right? Is that what this is?"
This morning early on at work we had a very unfortunate incident, invlolving screaming, name calling and cursing and slamming doors and storming out. All done by one employee, a poor woman who is stretched to the max in everything she does. And it has physically, visibly, been showing lately. And she just can't realize...she just won't...
And so of course the rest of the day was so awkward. But yet...not as much as maybe...it could have been. Because everyone else that was there still...had work to do and did it. Without indcident. Man I don't think I can go into more details without spelling it out in it's entirety, and that would be unfair to the persons involved.
Then on my drive home my brother calls me, very much upset by a friend and the destructive path they are going down. And I get home and my roommate found out his liscense was suspended for failing to get his car inspected in time and he has had yet another of many setbacks on his attempts to get a group of college students to go down to Louisiana and serve during Spring Break.
And it's just like...
Snow can be so beautiful.