Chapter 25
Saturday, May 28, 2005
  Begin Chapter Twenty-Three
Yesterday was my birthday. I was born at 1:08 in the afternoon back in 1982. I spent this last particular one with some of my family, looking at houses and running errands. At this point in life there's really no one else I would have rather spent the day with, and not much else I would have rather done. We got the whole family together last night since we have four birthdays in the month of May, grilled some food and caught up as best as we could make ourselves do. My cousin Kevin is heading off for France this morning; he'll be gone a month for a summer course then he'll return until September when he will leave again to spend a whole school year there. Pretty awesome. Some of my friends called me but I didn't want to do anything. Over the past few years I've done a pretty good job at distancing myself from just about anyone I ever knew. Way to go man!

Anyways, I'm back up in Denton this morning finishing up cleaning out the apartment. All that is left are my clothes but I also have to clean up some. It's a cool (well, 70's) and rainy day, so it's perfect for it. My dad is supposed to make some time this afternoon b/c he wants to see me before I leave Thursday for Cayman. I called him yesterday just to verify if he still wanted me to come by; funny, I missed where he wished me a happy birthday. Hate to be a prude or anything, but you know. Whatever. I'm slowly winding that relationship down.

Other that that, my bags are packed and I'm ready to get to Grand Cayman. I really believe there will be work for me when I get there. I sure hope so, otherwise Joshua will be s-c-r-e-w-ed. Also it looks like my Mom is getting a new house. Nothing like we expected, and it's in a pretty suburban, Arlington Road-esque neighborhood over off Hulen in Ft. Worth, but it's still a great house and much better than the small apt. we all cramp into now. Maybe we can actually all get together now, and not feel as if we want to leave as soon as possible. Wouldn't that be crazy? And just in time for me to leave for the Peace Corps! Still overall it's cool and I'm looking forward to her being anywhere where we all can be happy, even if it is just for a few brief moments in time.

Man I'm sarcastic today, better stop writing; someone might one day actually read this blog and they could get the wrong impression of me.
Wednesday, May 25, 2005

" a champagne supernova." (half circle)
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
  "Or the Creedence."
I listen to a lot of music (again see=not being able to define who I am). For example in less than two weeks I've more than half filled my 20 gig Dell DJ, and I left out quite a few CD's. I gave up on most radio a few years ago. In the car I usually have on NPR (because I'm sercetly a 45 yr. old lesbian mother of two from New Hampshire) or the campus jazz station. I've more or less phased out music when driving these days. But sometimes the news is just too much to handle. That's when this comes in handy.

My Creedence tape. I recorded it a few years ago off an LP I have, so the sound is beautiful and grainy. It's got all the hits: Bad Moon Rising, Proud Mary, Looking Out My Back Door, and my personal favorite, Lodi. If you're not familiar with this song, get to know it. I became acquainted with it after a friend of mine in Lubbock came back from a summer out in California where he would pass the exit for Lodi everyday on the freeway. Sure it's just a ripoff of Cash's Folsom Prison Blues but where the narrator of Folsom is pissed off and depressed, in Lodi he's pissed off and melancholy: a much more interesting state of mind if you ask me.

So I recommend everyone get themselves a Creedence tape, or just a tape in general of their favorite music they don't listen to on a regular basis, to pull out when the rest of the audio world lets you down. I'd trade all my Ryan Adams, Jimmy Buffett, Lyle Lovett, and All Things Considered for this one poorly made cassette. (I recorded it over what must have been the Good Will Hunting soundtrack, b/c when Creedence ends Al Green very loudly busts in with How Can You Mend a Broken Heart?. It's quacktastic).

I don't know anyone that sells tapes anymore, except truckstops. So if anything, hey, another great excuse to stop at a truck stop.
Monday, May 23, 2005
I'm slowly finishing up all this moving crap. Emphasis is on the word slowly. I'm down to the point where all that is left is small stuff and I have to find a place for it all to go. It's these miscelaneous items that tend to be a pain, but like I said I'm getting there. A few minutes ago I decided that I was scared of settling down anywhere in the near future (something we alread knew, right?) if simply because of the pains of cleaning up when you're ready to move on. Maybe I should just in the future focus on a feng shui lifestyle. That sounds like a better plan.
Saturday, May 21, 2005
  Because no one and someone asked...
Peter Joshua is the name of Cary Grant's character in the film Charade. I chose the moniker for my blog title because, well if you've seen the movie than you know that throughout the story Peter Joshua comes and goes, in more ways than one. Just as soon as you think you understand his personality and his intentions you get thrown for a loop. I may change my blog title sometime soon, but in the past few months and I believe into the near future I am going to feel the persona of Peter Joshua. Some say change is good; I say sometimes. The fine art of blending in and defining who you are has not come easy to me, and that's something I don't expect to change anytime soon. Also I'm kinda hoping to run into my own Audrey Hepburn, if I haven't already missed her.
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I'm still in the slow process of moving this weekend. Moving and copying music onto my Mp3 player. It is a groovy toy. This morning Dad and I moved all of my furniture from my apartment into a storage unit. The post-college move (into uncertainty). Great fun was had by all. But at least it's over; I don't know when I will be done in my apartment in Denton, but I've set a personal deadline for Wednesday. That's when my grandparents come in town. The rest of the week we will be looking at houses in Ft. Worth. They are planning on buying a place so that they won't have to keep shacking up in hotels when they come in town; also Mom will live there because they want a bigger place for her to live so Ben and I will have a place to stay when we need it. Oh and I found out my birthday is Friday. So I got that going for me.

Well we have our first Hurricane. Hit El Salvador, but then it dissapated. Earlier this week it was predicted that this season will be another strong one like last year. God's talking to us: but what does he want??? Lol. Anyways, screw off, ADRIAN, and the whole lot 'o ya just waiting to pounce.

I have completed all my medical tests for the Corps. I passed. I FedExed them to D.C. on Thursday. I'm not sure what will happen next; I guess we'll just have to wait. Hopefully I'll be through with doctors for a while and can move onto an official placement.
Thursday, May 19, 2005
  You know, we're not the only ones destroying trees. What about beavers? You call yourself an environmentalist, why don't you go club a few beavers?
I may be leaving the country, but you're not. So catch up this summer and watch America's best sitcom. And no, Fox isn't paying me. It's just worth it to yourselves to have a great big laugh every week as long as it's avaliable to us. FOX renewed Arrested Developement for a third season; don't take it for granted guys. Screw laugh tracks. Embrace the Bluth's.

Buy the DVD's. Watch America's funniest half hour (other than your local news).

Please? If you don't support the Bluth's then the terrorists will win.
Sunday, May 15, 2005
  the great indoors
I'm packing up my room this week and moving all my posessions into a storage unit. I still don't know where I will be heading for the summer. It doesn't look like the D.C. internship is going to happen; I'm kinda bummed but as long as my man in Cayman comes through I will be okay. I just need credit so I can walk in August.

So a few weeks ago I came home from work and opened the door to my room. I took a look around and felt a very comfortable feeling, one I had been taking for granted. Standing there I started thinking about how the end was rapidly approaching for all this. It was getting close to finals and I was in the midst of finishing papers and projects and starting to study. I can sort of have an idea where my next few beds will be, but when or where my next room is I have no idea. It could be a while, and so as I was standing in my room that night I knew I had to capture it as it was, before finals, before packing, before the feeling I had it got away from me. I believe it took just a few days after I took these pictures for it to happen. And you don't even want to see my room now.

There's my desk lamp and my orange juice and my magazines about desperate housewives and further proof of evolution, from top to bottom.

The bed.

I had just scarfed down some frozen waffles.

this bookshelf would fall down if it were not for the objects on either side of it.

my desk. it got so messy after that i just gave up and moved to the floor to do any work.

posters and postcards from some of my travels.

chevy chase and north by northwest.

pretty sure i'm the only one reading 22 year old Rolling Stone. Men at Work and REO Speedwagon had albums at #1, in case you were wondering.

music and books.

posters around the bed

"you must be joking boy..."

So this was where--and how--I lived, more or less. I took about 50 pictures that night, just soaking it all in. Any other time I take it all for granted, but that night there was something about it all.

Scared of the world outside, maybe so. If there's anything I wonder when looking at these pictures it's how different it might be from whatever is next.
Saturday, May 14, 2005
  i just hope we don't deplete the world of neon anytime soon
Went to Dallas tonight to celebrate my friend Steve's graduation from SMU. After dinner we found ourselves back at his parents place in North Richland Hills.

I swear the suburbs must be organic. Every time I pass through them it seems there's a new Chilli's, some new Starbucks, and a new Wal-Mart, not to mention bigger and scarier SUV's that will more than gladly run you over without even noticing. It's kind of gross; it makes my stomach quesy.
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
  "Whoa, look out there. You really need the whole fist, doc?"
I'm still waiting to hear some news from the internship for the summer. The Red Cross told me they would be getting back to me this week, and the man I've been pressing for work in Grand Cayman has still been mute since our last communique over a month ago. And yet despite still having nothing set in stone I still feel hopeful. Idiot.
I'm in the middle of finals week now, trying not to study tonight. I only have two, one in the afternoon tomorrow and another the following morning at 8am. Actually tomorrow I have my test @1:00p, I'm free until 9:00. I work from 9-2a, and have my test at 8a. A rough few hours there in the middle but you know what: it doesn't matter because after that I AM DONE! (assuming I pass all of my classes, of course). All that's left is to hammer down an internship, move out of my apartment, load up all my music into the mp3 player Dad bought me for graduation, and get out of here. Josh quielty says: Yea.

Anyways onto explaining the title of this entry, besides just another excuse in life to quote Fletch. Let's call it Round 2: Meeting even more doctors I WILL NEVER SEE AGAIN and letting them hit, poke, and leer at me while also stabbing me with needles. That sounded catchier in my head. I went to the eye doctor last week. CHECK. Peace Corps tells me I can't wear contacts in the field. At least they don't reccomend it. So I think I get my own government surplus eyeglasses! Went to have a physical this morning. CHECK. Everything is alright (above and below the equator), although I have to track down a copy of my immunization records and turn them in, and go back for a reading on my TB test. I had blood drawn, have to have an HIV/AIDS test, a urinalysis, the whole nine yards. This Peace Corps thing better work out for all the work it is to get there.
Next week I go to the dentist. I'll spare you the details.
I'm thinking about this entry now and saying to myself: why did I just tell you all that? Oh yes, to avoid studying.
Monday, May 09, 2005
  it rains on peter joshua, so he sleeps

Downtown Fort Worth, Sunday evening. Posted by Hello

So yesterday was Mother's Day, I spent most of the day in Ft. Worth with Mom, Ben, and Sarah. When I left for the night I spent the majority of the drive trying to outrun a coming storm. Needless to say, I hit every red light imaginable (some were I believe created just for me). I kept looking in awe through my rear view mirrors and after I got on I-35W I realized I just had to stop and pull out the camera. I don't have any picture of the family, but I did catch a few of the coming storm.

I got home around 7:40 pm and had a headache through my entire body. I took some Excedrin PM and contemplated my next move. Hoping for a power nap I lay down on my floor and pulled a pillow under my neck. I closed my eyes and woke up next at 12:41 am.
When all was said and done, with only minor stops for bathroom breaks and attempts to increase air circulation inside my bedroom, my power nap officially ended at 10:15 am. I knew I had been keeping strange hours lately, but nothing prepared me for this. 14 hours, not too bad. The challenge now is to not waste the day given to me.
Saturday, May 07, 2005
  So many roads out of the suburbs...
and none of them are fast enough.

You ever think about the last time you will ever visit a familiar place? Like I haven't got a haircut in over a month because I swore that the last time I went into my local Pro Cuts I would never show my face in there again. (I know how easy it is to find another place to get a haircut, but it's the principle. Also I'm holding out on doing so until I figure out my plans the summer). Still my Mom moved out of the house I grew up in a little over a year ago, so I have no reason to ever return to ths suburbs where I grew up except for the occiasional visit to a friends house (mainly Sarah's). As was the case again tonight after a late dinner in Ft. Worth. As I was driving away I was trying to plan how the quickest way to get back to Denton, and unlike hundreds of times before, I couldn't make up my mind which way to go tonight; so that was what did it.

As I was leaving I got the feeling that tonight was the night. Perhaps it was the last time I will ever set tire in the suburb of Hurst, TX for a very, very long time. Finally.

On a subnote I think maybe five people read this thing. And ususlly two of them comment, myself included in that number. I don't care if one person of fifty read it, but regardless I am going to soon send out a bulk e-mail to many people I know letting them in on our little secret. Sorry for my avid fans thus far, but I feel it's time to let more people into the circle of trust. Or something like that.

Man have you seen the lineup for the Austin City Limit Festival? I think I am going to have to scrounge up some money for a ticket. Hey I'm leaving the country for two years...I might as well attend something sweet like that. Coldplay...Oasis...Lyle Lovett...ahhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah.
Wednesday, May 04, 2005

self portrait. wednesday evening, ten minutes to eight. Posted by Hello
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
  Rule#27: You will never walk away half-way through 'Hey Jude'
7 minutes, 4 seconds. Or in the story of my life, something like 96 hours. What is it about that song that every time it is played I can't seem to turn it off or walk away; it seems criminal, and in my opinion, it should be.

I've been making a CD for my sister (it's her birthday this week) so I've listening to some of my music this week and discerning what to add to the compilation. As I was listening to the finished project just now I couldn't help but think about playing an instrument and the passion that goes along with being a musician. In my short time here I've witnessed and admired all kinds of musicians, from dancehall cowboys like Jerry Jeff Walker to the vocal stylings of the King Singers to saxaphonists in the London underground.
I don't play anything. A friend of mine gave me a harmonica once, but I never let that get a hold of me. Maybe I should. Maybe in this next chapter I should learn an instrument. I'm taking my harmonica with me wherever I go, that's already a given. I'm sure I'll have plenty of time to play. Not learning an instrument feels like something I've denied myself. I would love it if a kid of mine turns out to be a musician. I go to college with one of the greatest musical program in the world and yet I've never attended a program. Shame on me, man. Just another thing I haven't been doing these past few years. Boy as I look back that list is long. I have to make sure that stops happening.
Monday, May 02, 2005
  Six weeks in a life...kinda like a miniseries
I created a new blog, with the sole purpose of sharing the first month of my Peace Corps process. It's long, it covers the beginning, more specifics into my reasonings, and stars myself, my family, and my closest friends as I tell them about what's going on.

Peace, Josh

Sunday, May 01, 2005
  Do a favor for yourself and for a stranger and...

Austin Tsunami Relief Concert 1/9/05 Posted by Hello

Go buy this CD. Who's on it? Patty Griffin, Spoon, Kelly Willis and Bruce Robinson, Alejandro Escovedo, Joe Ely, and oh yeah Willie showed up. Proceeds go to Tsunami relief funds (Oxfam, Red Cross, Unicef, etc.). Won't cost you too much $ (see=I'm broke) and it's worth it for a great recording and a good cause.
this is the story of a guy in transition, and how he begins to remember.

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