Day 1
Technically, the year of service starts as soon as you are sworn in as a VISTA, although in reality we all didn't start work until at least today. So I slept last night, solid. I can't remember a night before I started something big (like a new school semester or a new job) ever passing by so smoothly. But I threw in my DVD of the first season of
Scrubs and watched a few episodes, had a few laughs, and then just rolled over and closed my eyes. No tossing and turning, just sleep. I woke up around 7:30 energized and in an hour found myself on the way to work. In the future maybe I'll wake up earlier and jog or something, but not when it's below freezing.
Then today was my first day of work at the
Volunteer Center. Trevor threw in the new
Belle and Sebastian album although it doesn't drop until next week--excellent. Lynn and Barbara (it's an office of women in a field of mainly women--nice odds? Not at work, they're all married...but elsewhere...) took us to a small itallian place on the hill that played nothing but Sinatra. Working on Federal Hill is great. Sometime around 3:00 today I started to realize that I just might be able to survive this year all right. That was as I was on my way downstairs to make a delivery, where I got lost and spent half an hour circiling a same ten block radius in East Providence.
I just have to interrupt to say that NBC News just reported that Exxon is reporting 10.71 billion dollars in profit for last quarter. Largest ever for a coorporation. A quick Google search tells me 64 US soldiers died in Iraq this month. I hate this war.Anyways, I digress. My day went well, I have some reading to do regarding a few meetings I have tomorrow.
10.71 billion profit and the average heating bills increase across America by the double digits!
Well I guess I'm going to go make some Ramen. It's the only proper meal to scarf down as I conclude my first day as a VISTA. Maybe I'll sneak in some saltines. Store brand, of course. Of course!