With the Peace Corps on temporary hold, I began looking for job opportunities this week. I still have applications for part-time seasonal work around here at bookstores, retail and the likes but I started looking for things this week that were a little more serious. I went from the city/county/local school district to Emergency Management message boards, etc. deciding (with a little help from my Mom) that it's pretty ridiculous to put my life on hold for anything right now. I hesitantly agreed, until it sank in. So that led me to sitting all day yesterday in front of my computer, scouring message boards, uploading resumes, etc. I have no idea how anyone finds work right out of college (esp. in my field) because everything I have found asks for at least 3-10 years experience. (I have a consipiracy theory about it all but I won't bore you. If you wanna know just tape an "X" on your window and I'll stop on in).
So anyways yesterday one place I did spend a good amount of time on was the Americorps website and I wound up sending applications to three programs/job opportunities, each one year or so in length, in three completely different locations:
Denver; Santa Rosa, CA; and Providece, RI. I already have heard back from two and have an interview for the job in Providence on Friday. Cross your fingers, say a prayer, whatever you do might help my wandering spirit. This could turn out to be something very interesting...