Hey. I'm Josh, and I'm signing up for the Peace Corps...
This statement usually gets mixed reactions from people but for the most part it's all good, positive inquiries. A good example would be the other night when I talked about it with Tyler, Allison, and Christie and Allison's parents. Her parents I've always though were cool anyways, but for once I actually talked about it instead of someone quickly finding a chance to change the subject as most people do. Other than my close friends and family that's how things usually go. Then there's people like my dermatologist today, he said he thought that everyone should serve their country. When people put it like that--serving our country--it really strikes a unique chord in me. A lot of times I have mixed reactions about the United States and our practices and culture and whatnot. But I've been listening off and on to the Judge Roberts Surpeme Court Conformation on the radio when I'm out and it just makes me giddy. Not giddy like I secretly get when I watch
Gilmore Girls but giddy like early episodes of
The West Wing/senior year of high school in Mr. Gerards' government class. Like when I feel naiive about the crap that the U.S. does and proud of the establishment. I mean, the process, the questions, the formality, it's all so beautiful. I can completely forget who these Senators are, what party they sold their soul to and what they believe, and just listen in awe to the process unfolding as it has for over 200 years. It's just the captivating art of democracy. And it reminds me why I'm proud to be an American. That and my close friend Michael Levy, who I also had lunch with today.
But back to my dermatologist, this dude was something else. "Who's in here," I heard him say before he opened the door. Most doctors examine a chart or something. Not this guy. 'Who are you and what am I doing for you?' Then we talked about the PC and naturally Katrina. "Most people fail to remember that we have it made in this country," he said at one point. Interesting guy. At one point he joked about maybe becoming a Peace Corps doctor after he retired, but as he did so he gave his nurse the strangest look which made me think he wasn't serious. I also think that if she hadn't have forced out a smile that he would have killed her right there and then. Maybe me too, for bringing the whole thing up. So this medical screening process is brutal--yesterday I had to drive back and forth to Denton to have a doctor up there fill something out in person on one of the forms. A two hour drive for two minutes of work. Literally. But so what man, if it means I get there I'll drive to El Paso for a doctors visit.
Sometimes life just makes sense to me, and when it does I just feel great inside and out. You know, the music and lighting is just right, your mind is clear, and the even though its your last beer it is the perfect taste and temperature. But then I usually start back to thinking and it all goes to hell. In fact I feel a thought coming on, so I guess it's time to sign off.