Chapter 25
Monday, August 08, 2005
  "Like an old man trying to return soup in a deli!"
I read a book over the weekend about the ocean. The wild, angry, and contrary to popular belief extrememly untamed Oceans that inhabit Earth. We'll never control them, and we should never try to. I digress; it was actually pretty interesting, dealing with the illegality of the vessels that sail, the harsh lives of the crews that inhabit them, the pirates, the tourists, and the businessmen (or are they all the same?). If you've ever been to San Francisco, New York, Houston, or any other major city along a port, you know how striking these huge vessels can be; and how reliant the U.S. is on them--but that's a topic for another day. Still these ships are dangerous, scary, and very impressive vehicles. And so is the ocean. I've been fortunate enough this summer to every day be able to soend time staring at the Caribbean Sea in all its glory, from sunny days to hurricanes. But when you step back and consider the ocean in its many facets it truly boggles the mind. So gigantic in geography, in scope, and in presence. Wll I'm rambling, so I'll stop. Pretty much the point of this was to let you all know I read an ENTIRE BOOK over one weekend. No pictures, either!

Looks like one more week of the internship--maybe two, just depends. I'll be coming home August 31. I foolishly waited until too late to purchase a 3-day pass to ACL Fest in September, but it's all good. I'll still go on the 3rd day, Sunday, hear a little music, hang with some friends, eat some tacos. If you're going to be in Texas, Austin is a good town--and there's few of them left around these days.
I was reading this weeks EW and thought of you. They interview Johnny Knoxville for the new Dukes movie. When asked..."How many times did you get stoned on Willie Nelson's bus at the wrap party?", Johnny replied, "I'm not much of a weed guy. But when you're on Willie's try and say no to Willie. Let Nancy Reagan try and say no to Willie. Bet she can't do it. I couldn't either. And I never will."
I thought you'd appreciate that.
I always knew I had a lot in common with Knoxville. that's funny.
Plus we all know Nancy smokes out. She's from California, I was raised to believe they all do out there.
Lemme get this straight...the irony is that Nancy Reagan led the 'just say no' movement, yet she was known to consult with astrologers...(damned if I say it, but) here's your sign.
dude. no.
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this is the story of a guy in transition, and how he begins to remember.

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