Have it your way; just call me Mister Independent
As you may or may not have known from some of my previous posts or the news (probably not the news if you live in America), Grand Cayman was devistated by Hurricane Ivan last September. But I'm not going ot talk about
the brutal storm, or the slow and painful recovery process. I'm not going to write a dissertation on the insurrance industry and it's role in post-disaster climates. I'm not going to talk about economic theory and lower-income bracket economic tendancies. I'm not even going to discuss the impact (see=plaugue)
of the fast-food industry in the Western world. I'm just going to let these pictures do all the talking for me.
In other important world events, if you've ever spent time in the Midwest you're no doubt familiar with the Meijer brand of grocery/department stores. In doing a Yahoo! news search of Kelly Clarkson to see if anything
new was happening in her world this week, I came upon a link that told of her participation in a contest with the Meijer stores where one lucky contestant can win a week with Kelly on tour. I've never wanted to be living in Ohio more than right now. Here's a link. I'm thinking of signing up anyways.